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27 Things I Want Right Now

I said, right now!

by j. brotherlove

Blame Jeneane for getting me started.

  1. a job
  2. 1/1/07
  3. passion
  4. to be understood
  5. to attend SXSW
  6. cordless skype phone
  7. organization
  8. to get my groove back
  9. friends
  10. a wardrobe makeover
  11. health
  12. my LPs on CD instantly
  13. to write for money
  14. a Treo
  15. my brother to call me back
  16. an Atlanta blogmeet
  17. to volunteer
  18. homophobia to end
  19. clients who pay on time
  20. spiritual enlightenment
  21. to win the lottery
  22. physical fitness
  23. the troops back home
  24. a do-over
  25. to find a good business partner
  26. egg nog
  27. to finish redesigning

pub: 11/27/2006 | previous entry | next entry | feedback x 0 | subscribe

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